$$$ | Name |
$ 345.00 | Aaron Cardinio |
$ 300.00 | Allie Sherrod |
$ 50.00 | Alyssa Barlow |
$ 750.00 | Alyssa Holloway |
$ 1,329.00 | Amanda Morris |
$ 1,450.00 | Amanda Potts |
Amy Brown | |
$ 1,069.00 | Andy Clayton |
$ 20.00 | Anne Towles |
$ 200.00 | Anneliese Dion-Kindem |
$ 922.00 | Brad Hogenson |
$ 550.00 | Brianna Salvatore |
$ 495.00 | Caity Dickson |
$ 100.00 | Cassie Hanlin |
$ 315.00 | Chris Brown |
$ 300.00 | Cody Schulze |
$ 1,120.00 | Connor Drake |
$ 340.00 | Elizabeth Sherwood |
$ 537.00 | Emily Ferree |
$ 1,050.00 | Emily Williams |
$ 400.00 | Emma Grager |
$ 474.00 | Eric Wyne |
$ 225.00 | Esabeau Kendell-Bell |
$ - | Evan Smith |
$ 430.00 | Frank Sprauge |
$ 205.00 | Haley Ross |
$ - | Hillary Rush |
$ 445.00 | Hope Frankian |
$ 30.00 | Jackie Kabel |
$ 315.00 | Jackson Reimers |
$ - | Jacob Temple |
$ 230.00 | James Hansen |
$ 245.00 | Jamie Sickler |
$ 75.00 | Jenna Gailey |
$ 680.00 | Jennifer Harnet |
$ 415.20 | Jonathan Beltran |
$ 140.00 | Jonathan Hale |
$ 155.00 | Jordan Costa |
$ 500.00 | Jordan Leonard |
$ 150.00 | Joseph Lee |
$ 325.00 | Josh Vance |
$ 200.00 | Josiah Auer |
$ 660.00 | Joy Brusenback |
$ 25.00 | Kaitlyn Bonne |
$ 160.00 | Karly Nelson |
$ 100.00 | Kate Stipa |
$ 110.00 | Katie Anema |
$ 110.00 | Katie Jameson |
$ 10.00 | Katie Lind |
$ 505.00 | Katy Conlin |
$ 10.00 | Kayla Neal |
$ 705.00 | Kelly kurtenbach |
$ 185.00 | Kevin Ganon |
$ 900.00 | Kevin Straw |
$ 485.00 | Kira Thornley |
$ 150.00 | Kristen Anema |
$ - | Kristen Brandsma |
$ 50.00 | Lauren Green |
$ 390.00 | Lauren Stack |
$ 150.00 | Lauren Traurig |
$ 300.00 | Lauren Whitney |
$ 285.00 | Lexi Prior |
$ 20.00 | Logan Daily |
$ 20.00 | Mackenzie Hittle |
$ 590.00 | Mallory Bockwoldt |
$ 400.00 | Megan Obrien |
$ 780.00 | Micaela Saqui |
$ 190.00 | Michael Corsetto |
$ 316.00 | Michael Obrien |
$ 10.00 | Molly White |
$ 400.00 | Nikki Smith |
$ 770.00 | Nina Huckabay |
$ 830.00 | Pearl Snow |
$ - | Rebekah Bujanowski |
$ 2,010.00 | Reid Delgado |
$ 595.00 | Samantha Lotti |
$ 65.00 | Sarah Cardona |
$ 440.00 | Sarah Josephson |
$ 100.00 | Sarah Thomas |
$ 10.00 | Sean Pierce |
$ 235.00 | Shane Anderson |
$ 332.00 | Stefanie Woodruff |
$ - | Stephanie Draeger |
$ 1,125.00 | Stephanie Machello |
$ 533.00 | Steph Fry |
$ 1,070.00 | Steve Mann |
$ - | Tony Dunn |
$ 165.00 | Tyler Moore |
$ 10.00 | Wendy Whitcombe |
This blog is designed to be a place where Sonshine Staff can share how we are meeting the risen Lord Jesus in new ways as we allow Him to prepare for service this summer.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Final Countdown
You Won't Relent
"The temptation occurs when the disciple desire for people to lust over the disciple's ideas about God instead of falling in love with God."
The bridge from the song "You Won't Relent" has been on constant repeat in my mind:
I don't wanna talk about You
Like You're not in the room.
I wanna look right at You,
I wanna sing right to You.
You won't relent until You have it all
My heart is Yours.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
His Grace
passion and meaning
passion and meaning.
1 Cor. 6:19
This hits me so deep. I am a walking example of this scripture. Whenever I am walking diligently with the lord and exuding his passion my life has such meaning. Everything I do oozes purpose, and I can fail at nothing, but when I turn from him and try to do it on my own I drown in my own feelings of uselessness. You would think that after doing this once I would learn my lesson and not repeat, but without fail I find my way back to my same old mistakes and I’m sure God is just shaking his head and laughing. If he were to say something to me it would probably sound a little like “alright, I’ll be here to clean up after you’ve done your best my bullheaded child..” I am given constant reminders of this throughout my days that usually only get realized in hindsight. Here is one of my favorite small-scale examples, in laymen’s terms, that was smacking me in the head as I read this.
When I play a piece on the piano it takes a life of its own when I have some emotional meaning or story that I can convey through it. If I don’t have that emotion driving the piece, without fail, it seems lifeless and dead. Something like a zombie, moving and existing but not alive. It makes it so much harder to learn a piece when I cannot convey my feelings through it. Without meaning it is impossible to push myself to work on it. When I can add that passion the piece comes alive and thrives.
Now this might be a stretch, but the connection is there, in my mind. My life with Christ is a song with emotion, and my life without, a zombie.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday hit like a ton of bricks.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
WWF Jesus Style
Until you drink His cup of judgment and mercy which simultaneously destroys and remakes you, you will be haunted in varying degrees by a lack of fulfillment and meaning.
It took me a minute to figure out the connection between the reading in Genesis and the blurb on Galatians 2:20. And then I realized that Genesis 32 is an instruction manual for bring about the reality of Galatians 2:20. How do we become a new creation? Allow Him to rename us and reshape us!
Jacob wrested with YHWH - no, it's even better than that. He wrestled with A MAN. He wrestled with Jesus! And Jesus renamed him during that experience, even because of that experience. I always have to be reminded that it's ok to wrestle with God. When Jacob asks to know His name, there is no reply, and yet, there is no doubt in his mind that He had encountered the living God - YHWH - face to face. When we encounter God, we are renamed.
Sometimes though, we resist the transformation - and I think that's ok. That's what make the experience so real and tangible for us. But because of that, sometimes He cripples us. Like Jacob, he touches our hip and dislocates it so that we stop striving and submit to Him. We're like a little kid fighting and protesting in our Father's arms as we get carried up the stairs to bed. We're not quite ready to stop playing yet, but as soon as we get tucked in and our heads hit the pillow, we calm right down, because we're so tired anyway! We realize it's what we've wanted and needed all along, and we submit. Even when He breaks us down, He's gentle.
The important thing is that when we leave, we are never the same. Jacob sought to know God personally and intimately through this experience: "Please tell me your name" (v29) - and because of that, he was blessed - even though He never got an answer. Sometimes we don't get direct answers for the questions that arise, but God always blesses us in the process. What's important is that we seek Him and submit to Him, and the rest is just details.
Surrender and be renamed!
"Cease striving and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)
Monday, May 16, 2011
We're Messed Up. Embrace it.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Image of God
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Discipline of Filling
I'm always trying to fill myself up with things that I know won't satisfy. I need to let Him fill me up. the only appropriate response to my emptiness is to let the only one who can satisfy do the filling. My natural response it to hide my emptiness in shame by trying to fill it myself. When I respond first to my emptiness, I hide. When I respond first to HIS fullness, I'm filled first with awe and then with acceptance.
I think it surprised me at first that this section on filling would go under discipline, but I realized it makes perfect sense. It's a daily discipline to combat my desire to fill myself with what I know to be true - only God can fill the voids and repair my brokenness!
Father, fill me. I don't want to use other things to fill me up, not these artificial things. Only You can satisfy me Lord. Give us this day our daily bread.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Luke 11:1-44
It is not enough to have been converted. Are you completely committed to Jesus of Nazareth?
One way that we keep from scattering is through prayer. "Lord, teach us to pray." We have probably heard or inferred that we will suffer if we do not pray; Hmm...perhaps. I think what really suffers is the life of the Son of God in us which is nourished not by food, but by prayer. We can either starve that life or nourish it. Prayer is the way the life of God is nourished. Often we look at prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves; the Bible idea of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself.
Luke 11:8 "I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs. "
As long as we are self-sufficient, we do not need to ask God for anything. This was never made clearer to me than when I was lying in bed a few months ago and I was praying for healing from a physical ailment. I remember telling God, "God, I am going to be asking You for a lot in these next few weeks and months. And some of those things might be little , and even silly....but I'm going to ask you anyway." Immediately, I sensed God saying, "FINALLY, Nina! Finally you are relying on Me for your every need." Wow. Did not Jesus say, "Give us this day our DAILY bread?" Every day, every need, every request...bring before Him.
It is not so true that "prayer changes things" as that prayer changes us.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
John 15:9-17
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Long Overdue
Friday, April 29, 2011
week 4
sorry I have been absent from adding to the posts, i have been bad about doing my devotional anywhere near the internet, so then i had the idea to just gather all my random notes and review the last weeks, so here is week 4.
4. Sacrifice
Monday: 1corinthians 4:9- Christianity is a team sport. I am kind of a guy that likes to do things on his own. Thus this concept is sometimes difficult for me, but lets think about whom the apostles were modeling after when they were at the end of this procession… yeah, Jesus was the prime example for them, and us. Jesus didn’t just sit on the sidelines and coach. He got his hands dirty (dirt+spit=mud=blind dude sees), sweat (sweating blood in the garden), and sacrificed more than anyone else ever will be able to. That is what made him such a good leader, and makes him so irresistible.
Wednesday: 2corinthians 4:14- Your Dead. I’m Dead. Excellent. What could be cooler than this! This is a huge load lifted from the shoulders of anyone who comes to know it. The way I understand this, I have no need to fear death ever because the part of me that is not worthy of a perfect god is already taken care of.
So who in their right mind isn’t going to be totally stoked about that? I haven’t any idea who wouldn’t be. Now, because I don’t have to worry about death, it is logical that I should worry about life, cause humans have to have something to fret about or we go crazy. So after worrying about life a little I realize that God has once again got me covered and I just have to continue with the die with Christ life plan. If that happens then I have not a care in the world or out of the world because I am soo wonderfully wrapped up in His arms. Which means the only thing left to fret about is a guitar.
Main point: how could I possibly perceive that I could come up with a better life than the one God wants for me? That’s just silly, it’s best to embrace and enjoy.
Friday: John 15:1-17. Today’s is just a prayer, and a simple thought that blows my mind.
My God oh my God, dwell in me so that I may abide in you. Without you, nothing. Within you, everything. Let my life be of nothing but service to your will. Word up.
mark 15:34- “ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?!!” – My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?.....
Jesus separated himself from God. I cannot bring myself to believe that anything else in all of creation could possibly be as painful as loosing the connection that I have with my creator. That is the fear of death. That is what Jesus did for me. Everyone dies, that isn’t the scary part. It is the separation from God that instills the fear into our souls. Jesus took that upon himself.
Blows my mind.
I. am. so. unworthy.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Holy Week and an Easter Experience
Two quick logistical notes:
1. CPR/FA IS DUE ON SATURDAY! That should be done by now - you've had 3 1/2 months to do it! If for some reason it will not be at the office by Saturday, you need to call me ASAP!
2. BE DILIGENT WITH THE RJW FUNDRAISER! See Reid's post below... I can't encourage you guys enough - put yourselves out there! Let people know! Be willing to ask people to give! It has been a blessing to watch the Lord bless the efforts of staff who have been faithful to ask... If you have questions or you're discouraged, call me and let's talk!!
Now onto my actual post:
First of all, how cool was it that we studied passion during Holy Week, when we celebrate and focus on the last week of Christ’s life, his passion, and ultimately his death and resurrection? Such a cool “coincidence” J
My favorite devo line that week was on Thursday, about the woman who anoints Jesus’ feet: “She doesn’t seek to control, but surrenders control to the one whose love will soon be poured out for her in a few days on the cross.” I don't even know what to say about it... It just resonated with me! I love the story of the woman who anoints Jesus' feet. I see so much of myself in her, and I see so much of myself that tries so hard to NOT be her. My church did a series of messages and one of them was on her story and the call to radical, uninhibited worship. Take 38 minutes and check it out at: http://www.rockharbor.org/media/message/mary-an-uncommon-devotion/
On the subject of strength and firmness, I got the chance to watch it unfold before my eyes as I reconnected with an old friend at church on Easter. Essentially, my friend has come to the end of himself and realized that A) everything is meaningless, and that B) there has to be something more than what he's been living for. Unfortunately, A+B doesn't quite = C(hrist!) for him at this point. But literally, I sat there thinking, "if you are tired and disenchanted, you are in a very sacred place. Christ is pushing you to eat from the tree of life. He's leading you to the cross. He's building you up in love." I got the chance to express to him my own process of coming to realize that my relationship with Christ "is not cream puff ideas of how to have a better day but instead an intense love affair that demands [my] body, heart, mind, and strength." I don't know what the purpose of me running into him that morning was, but I have been praying that as he searches, he would find himself willing to eat from that tree of life. C'mon, [insert name]... put it together already: A+B=C!!