Monday, May 23, 2011

His Grace

So this past week has been a whirl-wind, and I am sure all of you who have gone through senior year/ are going through it right now know exactly how I feel. My body just caught up with it all and I got really sick last night... not going into detail... It caused me to take today off of school and sit in bed and reflect. I went over all the past devotionals and it is just sooo amazing to look back on my notes from training weekend and now realizing that this weekend is our retreat. One verse that has consistently jumped out to me, maybe because it is the only red in 2 Corinthians, but anywho... verse 12:9. It talks about how God's power is made perfect in our weakness.

I don't know about any of you, but I have so many weaknesses. Chocolate ice-cream, coffee, and warm cookies... but on a more serious note, I really struggle with a lot and I always feel so weak before God. Especially this morning as I write, my body is weak and tired, but God's perfect power has brought me sufficient grace in this day.

Wishing you all a restful and beautiful week with the knowledge that God's grace is sufficient and His power perfect in your weakness.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like He's always going to have to keep breaking us down again and again to teach us this lesson. "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) We keep trying and trying and doing and doing, but He just says "Sit! Be!"

    I hope you find some good (spiritual and physical) rest this week!


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