Two quick logistical notes:
1. CPR/FA IS DUE ON SATURDAY! That should be done by now - you've had 3 1/2 months to do it! If for some reason it will not be at the office by Saturday, you need to call me ASAP!
2. BE DILIGENT WITH THE RJW FUNDRAISER! See Reid's post below... I can't encourage you guys enough - put yourselves out there! Let people know! Be willing to ask people to give! It has been a blessing to watch the Lord bless the efforts of staff who have been faithful to ask... If you have questions or you're discouraged, call me and let's talk!!
Now onto my actual post:
First of all, how cool was it that we studied passion during Holy Week, when we celebrate and focus on the last week of Christ’s life, his passion, and ultimately his death and resurrection? Such a cool “coincidence” J
My favorite devo line that week was on Thursday, about the woman who anoints Jesus’ feet: “She doesn’t seek to control, but surrenders control to the one whose love will soon be poured out for her in a few days on the cross.” I don't even know what to say about it... It just resonated with me! I love the story of the woman who anoints Jesus' feet. I see so much of myself in her, and I see so much of myself that tries so hard to NOT be her. My church did a series of messages and one of them was on her story and the call to radical, uninhibited worship. Take 38 minutes and check it out at:
On the subject of strength and firmness, I got the chance to watch it unfold before my eyes as I reconnected with an old friend at church on Easter. Essentially, my friend has come to the end of himself and realized that A) everything is meaningless, and that B) there has to be something more than what he's been living for. Unfortunately, A+B doesn't quite = C(hrist!) for him at this point. But literally, I sat there thinking, "if you are tired and disenchanted, you are in a very sacred place. Christ is pushing you to eat from the tree of life. He's leading you to the cross. He's building you up in love." I got the chance to express to him my own process of coming to realize that my relationship with Christ "is not cream puff ideas of how to have a better day but instead an intense love affair that demands [my] body, heart, mind, and strength." I don't know what the purpose of me running into him that morning was, but I have been praying that as he searches, he would find himself willing to eat from that tree of life. C'mon, [insert name]... put it together already: A+B=C!!
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