This blog is designed to be a place where Sonshine Staff can share how we are meeting the risen Lord Jesus in new ways as we allow Him to prepare for service this summer.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Long Overdue
Friday, April 29, 2011
week 4
sorry I have been absent from adding to the posts, i have been bad about doing my devotional anywhere near the internet, so then i had the idea to just gather all my random notes and review the last weeks, so here is week 4.
4. Sacrifice
Monday: 1corinthians 4:9- Christianity is a team sport. I am kind of a guy that likes to do things on his own. Thus this concept is sometimes difficult for me, but lets think about whom the apostles were modeling after when they were at the end of this procession… yeah, Jesus was the prime example for them, and us. Jesus didn’t just sit on the sidelines and coach. He got his hands dirty (dirt+spit=mud=blind dude sees), sweat (sweating blood in the garden), and sacrificed more than anyone else ever will be able to. That is what made him such a good leader, and makes him so irresistible.
Wednesday: 2corinthians 4:14- Your Dead. I’m Dead. Excellent. What could be cooler than this! This is a huge load lifted from the shoulders of anyone who comes to know it. The way I understand this, I have no need to fear death ever because the part of me that is not worthy of a perfect god is already taken care of.
So who in their right mind isn’t going to be totally stoked about that? I haven’t any idea who wouldn’t be. Now, because I don’t have to worry about death, it is logical that I should worry about life, cause humans have to have something to fret about or we go crazy. So after worrying about life a little I realize that God has once again got me covered and I just have to continue with the die with Christ life plan. If that happens then I have not a care in the world or out of the world because I am soo wonderfully wrapped up in His arms. Which means the only thing left to fret about is a guitar.
Main point: how could I possibly perceive that I could come up with a better life than the one God wants for me? That’s just silly, it’s best to embrace and enjoy.
Friday: John 15:1-17. Today’s is just a prayer, and a simple thought that blows my mind.
My God oh my God, dwell in me so that I may abide in you. Without you, nothing. Within you, everything. Let my life be of nothing but service to your will. Word up.
mark 15:34- “ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?!!” – My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?.....
Jesus separated himself from God. I cannot bring myself to believe that anything else in all of creation could possibly be as painful as loosing the connection that I have with my creator. That is the fear of death. That is what Jesus did for me. Everyone dies, that isn’t the scary part. It is the separation from God that instills the fear into our souls. Jesus took that upon himself.
Blows my mind.
I. am. so. unworthy.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Holy Week and an Easter Experience
Two quick logistical notes:
1. CPR/FA IS DUE ON SATURDAY! That should be done by now - you've had 3 1/2 months to do it! If for some reason it will not be at the office by Saturday, you need to call me ASAP!
2. BE DILIGENT WITH THE RJW FUNDRAISER! See Reid's post below... I can't encourage you guys enough - put yourselves out there! Let people know! Be willing to ask people to give! It has been a blessing to watch the Lord bless the efforts of staff who have been faithful to ask... If you have questions or you're discouraged, call me and let's talk!!
Now onto my actual post:
First of all, how cool was it that we studied passion during Holy Week, when we celebrate and focus on the last week of Christ’s life, his passion, and ultimately his death and resurrection? Such a cool “coincidence” J
My favorite devo line that week was on Thursday, about the woman who anoints Jesus’ feet: “She doesn’t seek to control, but surrenders control to the one whose love will soon be poured out for her in a few days on the cross.” I don't even know what to say about it... It just resonated with me! I love the story of the woman who anoints Jesus' feet. I see so much of myself in her, and I see so much of myself that tries so hard to NOT be her. My church did a series of messages and one of them was on her story and the call to radical, uninhibited worship. Take 38 minutes and check it out at:
On the subject of strength and firmness, I got the chance to watch it unfold before my eyes as I reconnected with an old friend at church on Easter. Essentially, my friend has come to the end of himself and realized that A) everything is meaningless, and that B) there has to be something more than what he's been living for. Unfortunately, A+B doesn't quite = C(hrist!) for him at this point. But literally, I sat there thinking, "if you are tired and disenchanted, you are in a very sacred place. Christ is pushing you to eat from the tree of life. He's leading you to the cross. He's building you up in love." I got the chance to express to him my own process of coming to realize that my relationship with Christ "is not cream puff ideas of how to have a better day but instead an intense love affair that demands [my] body, heart, mind, and strength." I don't know what the purpose of me running into him that morning was, but I have been praying that as he searches, he would find himself willing to eat from that tree of life. C'mon, [insert name]... put it together already: A+B=C!!
Luke 6:46-49
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Your Whole Heart!
It's so cool that God wants you for your heart, not for your knowledge or experiences. You just need to fully surrender yourself to Him and have FAITH. Kind of like what I was saying about not holding anything back in worship. HE WILL respond!!
I love when I'm reminded of how powwwerrful prayer is! Because I have been a lot lately. God is really moving in our lives, and I love when I realize and can recognize the areas He's working on. It's cool to know that God's in cotrol.
God will always be with us
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tired and Disenchanted
I feel like my problem is that I want to be a Peter, but I feel like I only deserve to be a Judas. What happens when my broken life feels like too broken an offering to surrender to Christ? I know the Judas path all too well: disappointment, frustration, betrayal, and regret leading to self-destruction. I know where it's going to take me, but I don't seem to know how to avoid it because I don't know how to stop feeling like it's what I deserve.
Jesus, I'm tired of this! This doesn't feel like a sacred place. I'm tired of being afraid and alone! Please take this rotten lump of life because I don't want it anymore.
I can take it, but you have to take grace in its place. Otherwise you're still left with a gaping hole in your chest - and we both know how that's going to get filled.
No - no way. I couldn't take anything from You in return. That's too much too ask for. Please, Jesus. Don't wash MY feet.
You have to take it. Otherwise you have no part in me. How do you expect to wash others' feet if I don't show you how? How do you expect to love others if I don't show you how? Be encouraged - surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Guys, I don't pretend to know how to actually act this conversation out in my life, but it keeps happening, and I know it's what He's calling each of us to. He's helping us discover that our relationships with Him are not cream puff ideas of how to have a better day, but intense love affairs demanding body, heart, mind, and strength.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Acts 5:40-41
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Two Posts in One :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
After feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of activities, events, and drives going on on our school campus, I wrote a letter today to our staff and administrators asking this question. This frenzied pace of life has become a habit....for all of us.
"For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful" 2 Peter 1:8
Oswald Chambers put is so well when he wrote: "When we begin to form a habit we are conscious of it. The right thing to do with habits is to lose them in the life of the Lord, until every habit is so practiced that there is no habit at all....Your god may be your little Christian habit, the habit of prayer at stated times, or the habit of Bible reading. Watch how the Father will upset those times if you begin to worship your habit instead of what the habit symbolizes - I can't do that just now, I am praying; it is my hour with God. No, it is your hour with your habit. There is a quality lacking in us." i.e. goodness, knowledge, self-control, brotherly kindess.
Chambers goes on to say: " Love means that there is no habit visible...and by practice you do the thing unconsciously. "
Jesus was at home with God everywhere. If we could let God enter into our circumstances and invade our lives, we gain Him, and life becomes the simple life of a child.
"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters. "
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Oh my goodness!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Cristo Te Amo
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
His Hands
"Into Your hand I entrust my spirit;
You redeem me, Yahweh, God of truth." - Psalm 31:5
Sound familiar?
"And Jesus called out with a loud voice, 'Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.' Saying this, He breathed His last." - Luke 23:46
Lord, You hold the world in Your Hands. Seated on the throne in the center of the universe, revive my imagination, that my faith might be strengthened. Lead me to the cross, crucify me with Christ, redeem me, Yahweh, God of truth.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hey Guys!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Isaiah 55
BEMC, Rinse and Repeat
Friday, April 8, 2011
Take Up Your Crosss
In discussing sacrifice, the topic of Jesus' crcifixion is unavoidable. I cannot even begin to fathom the immense pain he suffered in carrying the sin of the world and, ultimately, separation from his father, from love. It is easy to only focus on his sacrifice in death. But what about his sacrifice in LIFE?
It's not going to be easy. He warned us - straight forward. And he wasn't kidding! Jesus led by serving, so why do we think we can be good leaders any othe way? Sacrifice is the heart that enables service.
Take up your cross - literally if that's what it takes. You'll find that it doesn't get lighter or easier to carry, but he makes you stronger. You'll find that when it seems like your personal struggle is being put on display, he will use it to free others and yourself. An certainly, you will find that he I with you every step of the way.
Happy journeying!
Be Encouraged!