First of all, you guys are fabulous insightful writers and I am honored to be able to be reading this stuff! I must admit though, I'm feeling a little intimidated now that I'm writing my own...
John 21:25 really stuck out to me. It says "Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written".
Wow! I already feel as if the Bible has a monumental amount of things Jesus has done. But wait, there's more! If everything he did was recorded, our world wouldn't even have room for those books. I can't even comprehend that! I've been in libraries with hundreds of thousands of books and to think that if every one of those books was just about the things Jesus did, that whole library would be just a grain of sand in the beach of libraries of books just about Jesus. Wow that was a long sentence but hopefully it makes sense!
I love that verse. One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing.